Outreach in High School, Colégio Moderno, April 4th, 2017, Lisbon
1. Chemistry, Science and Life, A. P.Rauter
2. Medicinal Chemistry, A. M. Matos.
3. Chemistry: Research in favor of Human Health, J. M. Barros
Comment from School Teachers:
“The conference revealed to be very important, as it accomplished several goals: on the one hand, it deconstructed the idea that chemistry only exists in the laboratory or that it only deals with complex scientific facts by exemplifying its presence in a number of day-to-day occasions; and, on the other hand, it clarified the idea of what it means to be a science professional (often distorted in the minds of young students) by showing the several stages of a scientific research project. Moreover, the conference highlighted the role of chemistry and its interventions in the improvement of human life quality. For all the above reasons, we conclude that the conference was extraordinarily useful in the sense of making student’s career choices more mindful, particularlytothose who wish to pursue an academic path and professional career in the chemistry field.”
Comment from the Students:
“It was an honour to us to attend this conference during science week, which focused on the following topics:Chemistry, Scienceand Lifeby Professor Amélia Pilar RauterMedicinal Chemistryby the PhD student Ana Marta de MatosChemistry: Research in favour of Human Healthby the PhD Student João Manuel de BarrosWe found thesetopics interesting and extremely important. Chemistry-related areas are increasingly more in tune with those of Medicine, with information exchange relationships between both fields being more and more fortified over time. Thus, man is offered not only a better understanding of the world around him and of himself, but also the means to live a more dignified and prolonged life. The contemporaneity of the topics and the possible impact they would have on us were the more relevant reasons for our interest in this conference.
Outreach in High School, Escola Secundária da Amora, March 30th, 2017, Amora
The sweet molecules, science and life –thechemistry of sugars, A. P.Rauter.
Outreach in School, Colégio Santa Doroteia, February 21th, 2017, Lisbon
Sugars, the sweet molecules, !A. P. Rauter.
Nutrition, Environment and Health Advanced training course | 2nd Semester 2016/2017
The VIDEO of this event. You can see Prof. Amélia intervention at 1h 23min.

Lisbon, March 4th , 2016 - program
Saúde, alimentação, agricultura. Chegou o Nutriageing, project developed by students and researchers from Ciências and coordenated by A.P. Rauter
“O projeto foi feito de raiz por uma equipa chave e é um produto da Faculdade”, Amélia Pilar Rauter
Diário de Notícias (DN) press release “Comer bem, com receitas originais e muita ciência” available here. FCUL press release available here and here
Workshop: Moving to a healthy life and an active ageing: Science and Policy towards Innovative Solutions - 24th September 2014– FCUL, Campo Grande, Lisbon
Carbohydrate Chemistry Group - Work presentation, November 2014
see presentation here
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